Zlabia.com Le Rendez-vous des Juifs d'Algerie

Re: Chelouche
26 mai 2008, 00:27
dear michael,

thank you, for your answer,you live in israel ?
Re: Chelouche
26 mai 2008, 10:42
Hello om 13

Yes, I live in Israel.
My mother and my grandfather were born in Jaffa. I was born in Tel Aviv.
My great grandfather [Aaron Chelouche] came to palestine with his parents and 2 sisters in 1840 [from Oran].
If it was possible [politically !] I would be very happy to travel to Algeria and visit Oran. Perhaps I could find some clues about my ancesters...
good day,

Re: Chelouche
27 mai 2008, 23:47
dear miki,

Now it's possible to travel across algeria, because a lot of my friends, go back to algeria for see the country of their parents.
but if you'll come to marseille in france it's will be great to meet you..

Re: Chelouche
28 mai 2008, 03:16
Dear Toufik,
Thank you for your message.
I will be very happy to meet you if and when I will come to Marseille.
In 2007 my wife and myself and another couple flew to Marseille [from Israel]. from there we travelled for two weeks in the south west of France.
Could you call the Algerian Consulate in Marseille and ask if anybody with Israeli Passport could receive a tourist visa to Algeria. The main purpose will be to follow the foot steps of my family [it is called roots tourism].
Jean- Pierre Lledo
28 juin 2008, 01:06
Dear Toufik
I did not hear from you for some time.
I am writing to you today because I found out that the Algerien Film Director [Jean- Pierre Lledo] is coming to Israel to be present in the Jerusalem Film Festival where his Film: ALGERIE, HISTOIRES A NES PAS DIRE will be shown.
Jean Pierre was born in Tlemcen in 1947 to a Jewish- Berber mother and Spanish father.
I understand that his film is not allowed to be shown un Algeria.
miki cohen
Re: Chelouche
22 janvier 2012, 10:01
Mon cher Michael,
je crois, effectivement, que l'origine du nom Chelouche est bérbère et ancienne. Je ne dis pas algérienne seulement, sauf qu'elle est plus localisée dans le constantinois (triangle guelma-constantine-jijel). C'est la région des Kotama, tribu décrite par Ibn-Khaldoun. Les Berbères ont adopté au fil de l'histoire différentes spiritualités ou religions selon les échanges qu'ils ont pu avoir avec le monde méditerranéen ou sub-saharien. Ils ont, mais tout ceci n'est pas du tout une thèse reprise mais mon humble avis, adopté le monothéïsme mosaïque, puis le christianisme sans qu'il remplace ou fasse disparaître le judaïsme, puis l'islam, et ces trois religions ont plus ou moins bien co-habité ce qui a donné comme patronymes des Moussa, Benmoussa, Benaïssa, Benmohammed mais aussi des noms issus du berbère, de l'hébreu et de l'arabe (Allouche ou Lellouche, kahan (Cohen...) ou kahal, Tebbal ou Tboul, Abitboul etc).
Comme les Chelouche viennent d'une région berbère judaïsée comme presque toutes celles du Maghreb
, il est très probable qu'ils soient allés en Ibérie pour en revenir vers le 15° siècle.
Voilà tout ce que je pouvais vous en dire, cher ami, mais je suis sûr que vous trouveriez plus d'informations en visitant des sites appropriés.
Vous ne me dérangez nullement, Michael, et bonne continuation dans vos recherches. N'hésitez surout pas.

Bonjour, Shalom, Salam, Azul,

Comment vous savez que les Kotama était une tribu Berbère Judaïsé ? Vous vous êtes vraiment inspiré des écrits de Ibn-Khaldoun avec son livre intitulé "Le Livre des exemples" ?
Re: Chelouche
24 janvier 2012, 17:46
michael [miki
cohen]Dear georgeot,
thank you for the very intresting information.
Can you tell me what is the source of your information that the Chelouche family may have come from the oasis of the sahara.
Is your interpetation of the name ["the third son in the family"] is based on people you know with this name or just a personal interpetation ?
thank you again.\, and have a good day,
michael cohen

Michael: je vous remerci mais je ne comprend pas l'anglais
Re: Chelouche
31 janvier 2012, 07:24
dear miki, i'm algerian,i live in algiers and i know someone who is an actor of algerian cinema called abdennour chelouche and it's well known,it can be one of cousins algerians, who knows?
Re: Chelouche
05 février 2012, 00:51
Dear Ibrahim- Sid'Ali
I t wae nice to read your message [January 22,2012].
I have progressed with my research, and I think I can assume that my family lived in Oran from arround 1792 until 1839 when they left to Palestine. They probably migrated to Oran from Fez.
Since I found out that the name Chelouche is very common with Muslim families as with Jewish families, that the origin of this name comes from the same source.
Another hint to the origin of the name is the name of the Shilha [Berber] People who are commonly known as the Chleuh or Shleuh or Shlouh.
In order to ascertain that this assumption is correct, I am looking for Muslims with the name Chelouche to get their knowledge of the origin of the family and name.
michael cohen
Re: Chelouche
05 février 2012, 02:56
Hello kabyl-47
Thank you for your message [Jan. 31, 2012].
I will be delighted if you could arrange for me to write directly to abdennour chelouche. I wish to ask him some questions that may help me to find the origin of my family [or find out that we are relatives...].
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